Happy New Year!
Hopefully, we are all returning from our extended holiday break eager to embark on new learning adventures. Here's what I have planned for the end of the semester:
American Literature students will prepare an advertisement of their vacation novel reading -- student's personal choice of medium -- movie with iPad or PowerPoint, or boring, old-fashioned poster, appealing to audience's ethos, logos, and pathos. Presentations will be made on Monday and Tuesday of next week. SIMULTANEOUSLY, we will continue reading and responding to Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. Please keep up-to-date on all reading and writing assignments, as posted on the shared GoogleDoc Page.
Poetry students will select a poem to MEMORIZE and recite as part of their semester exam. In addition, all students will be presenting their portfolios, which are being printed in Graphics. Each student will select 2-3 poems and annotate them, using their graphic dictionaries from earlier in the semester.
World Literature students, having just finished reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold will explore some more current events in the news in which crimes were committed openly and accepted by different cultures' codes of honor. Students will also explore the organizational structure of journalistic story writing and WRITE their own news article based on a current event.
Welcome back.