Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Term Two and the Holidays

Term II is off to a great start with students engaged in an array of activities, both inside and outside the school walls.

First off, American Literature honors students are interviewing American military veterans to honor their stories while gaining deeper insight as to what it means to be a responsible American. Students have been assigned the task of locating and scheduling a one-hour interview with a veteran, conducting the interview, and typing it up in script form. Further details are available under the American Literature Documents section of this blog. The final project is due Monday, December 2, the first day back after the Thanksgiving break.

World Literature students are working on their analytical essay of William Golding's Lord of the Flies, focusing on the novel's symbolism. First drafts will be taken through the writing process this week, with final drafts being due on Thursday.  We will transition into South American literature with a series a poems, short stories, and a novella Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Seniors in Poetry are working on form poems; this week's focus is the villanelle. Revisions of their first draft will begin the week.